Monday, July 27, 2009

1 semester down

I survived my 1st semester back to college. I do not recommend a summer math class at 7 am. I am excited to be able to sleep in a bit for the rest of the summer (what is left). Although, I got to see the sun come up every morning walking to class, I think I will miss that. So I will enjoy this brief break and hit it big time in 4 weeks. If I stick to it and everything goes as planned I should be done May 2012! Yeah!

Justin is also getting ready to go to Dixie. He is at Freshman Orientation today getting registered for classes. I know that we need to take the same math class. I told him to get the same time as me. LOL Would you be embarrassed to be in the same math class as your mom? That might be wierd. Maybe we can just share a book and he can help me with my math. He is good at math. He helped me with this summer's math class that I took.

1 comment:

Oliver's said...

Cassie, Congratulations!! I am proud of you.. You will do great!!