Friday, November 30, 2007

Deidre's Idea

At Thanksgiving it was suggested that instead of buying gifts for each other this year, that we take that $$ and pool it together and give it to someone who needs it. I think this should be a unanimous decision. So submit your input. We usually spend between $30 and $50 so what if we put $30 to $40 each in the pool. Mom said that she knows of someone and there is a family in my ward who are probably going to lose their house that could also use the $$. Josh said that he could really use the $$. HA HA. We need to get this decided because I know that its time to Christmas shop and we need to know one way or the other.

Love ya,



Anna said...

That is fine with us, sound like a good idea as we all know that none of us go without.


Oliver's said...

Cassie We are good with that..


Mom & Dad said...

Great Idea!

Anna said...

So have we decided if this is what we are going to do ? as I need to know so that I can get things sent

